Monday, November 23, 2015

My Free write blog

Yesterday, on the great day of November, 22nd 2015. I proved somebody wrong. This was the day the Cincinati Bengals loss to the Arizona Cardinals. The score was 31-34. As you can tell form the score, the Cardinals won in clutch. We were arguing about who was going to win this game for a whole week. He said that we were going to lose because the Bengals had Andy Dalton as their quarterback and Cardinals had Carson Palmer. He mainly was gloating about AJ Green, but I was just bringing us Larry Fitz, Patrick Peterson, and CJ2K. The day after the two teams played he instantly started complaining about how the Cardinals got cheated for, but he was just jealous that my team was better than his.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Q1 reflective

I think that all of my grades were deserved except for Biology. I got a C in his class because in the beginning of the year, I missed the first 3 days because the school doesn't do anything but host a scavenger hunt and anticipate you for design challenges that you never do. But I was graded off of a fire drill that happened and some other thing. From there it was to hard to get my grade up and it kept me at a B-, then I missed some paper and it dropped me down to a C+.

I learned that whoever said learning another language was easy was a complete liar. Spanish is like my hardest class next to Geometry. Although I did learn alot of new phrases in spanish. Like "Me gusta fried chicken."

I really don't have a way to better my studies because as of right now all of my grades are pretty good. In the past, I never should've missed the first few days since a lousy paper was able to drop down to a C+.

Next quarter, I'd like to see that some of the teachers actually care for all of this work i'm doing, like some field trip or some type of reward or something. I get a good grade while everyone else is eating or on their phone and the only "reward" I get from that is the fact that I get good grades.

I hope my grades can stay above a C because alot of people consider C's ok, but I consider them being bad. I also hope to be able to understand geometry a little better because when ever Mr.Ezepue talks, my ears only get a bunch of useless numbers.

Friday, September 25, 2015

robotics suck

I don't like robotics at all and not as much fun as I thought it was going to be. It's too complicated and annoying. We spent like 15 minutes building one rail thing that was supposed to be the base of the car. No matter how much I twisted the screw it'd still be a little lose. I don't like robotics at all because I already know that if im having trouble with screws, I won't even be able to make it drive. Plus this is useless for me because if I decide to go to college, i'm not going to Tri-C.

This week's robotics class was better because now we know what were doing. Last week we had missing parts and the Tri-C teacher that was supposed to be helping us wasn't really helping. Since we finally got one of the motors we needed, we were actually able to make progress. I already know that once we get to the tech stuff of the car, this class will be a pain.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Mr.Gill favorite season thing

I like alot of things about Fall. One thing is that this season has my birthday in it. Plus its the the beginning of football. PLus once I was little Fall was heaven for ALL kids since it was Halloween time. I'd go home and literally eat snickers and butterfingers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Plus it's not too hot or too cold so to me it's the perfect weather.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Mr.Gill's blog thing

A song that is most meaningful to me is One Man Can change The World by Big Sean. This song is meaningful to me because when I was in the 5th grade I was in this program called America Scores. This program allowed us to play soccer and improve our literature skills by writing poems. At the end of the season we had to make a group poem and the best poet had to make an individual poem. At the end of every season the program would have a poem slam for schools to compete with each other. My poem was voted the best so After we performed pour group poem, I had to go and read my individual poem in front of all of CSU. I had to practice for two weeks, and during those two weeks I was extremely nervous. My family members and teammates all supported me.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Mideast The Debate in Islam
I think that this picture is messed up to because I dont see how someone can legit take a picture of someone getting hurt or killed. These type of things just shows how messed up people in the world could be. They should've kept this picture confidential.
China Tiananmen Then and NowI think that this picture is really inspiring because he had the courage to stand up to 4 tanks by himself.
I dont think that anyone else would do something like that. This picture isnt all that bad to me because, this shows that everyone in the world arent as bad as people make them seem.

Vietnam War Photo Homecoming VIETNAM ARCHIVAL 220
This picture kind of makes me feel depressed. I dont see how someone can take a picture of someone getting shot right in the head. When I first saw this picture I kind of felt kinda bad because It's messed up how the innocent people have to suffer because of someone else's fight. Its even worse because he couldnt even defend himself

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hi, my name is Tyrone Ellis. I was born on October 23, 1999. I have a addiction to fried chicken. Im a complete gamehead.  I also really like shoes.  My favorite school subject is ELA. I do not like presenting stuff in public because I have extreme stagefright.